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Privacy Policy


This Website, as well as any other web pages, subdomains and subsections contained in said website, is owned by Vincent Stoelzaed, with address at eliz kalea 8, Primero, 20730 Azpeitia, Gipuzkoa; NIE X3376327L.

By using the website, as well as any other web pages, subdomains and subsections contained in said website, it will be understood that you have read, understood and accepted, without limitation or reservation, the conditions of use of the aforementioned website included in this notice. legal as well as the Personal Data Protection Policy, the use of which constitutes the express and full acceptance of these general conditions and Personal Data Protection Policy in the version that is published at the time of access, without prejudice to the particular conditions that may apply with respect to some specific services of the website, the prior contracting of which will be an essential requirement for access.

In the event of non-compliance with the conditions expressed in this Legal Notice, we advise you not to use the website, because its use, we reiterate, will imply acceptance of the legal terms included in this text.

The person who accesses the website will have the status of user. To access some parts of the services provided through the website, the USER will be required to complete an electronic form with a series of lawful and truthful data.

Vincent Stoelzaed, Makoto, reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions that appear on this website as well as expand content, information, etc., at any time and without prior notice and, therefore, recommends consulting with an reasonable periodicity in case changes occur in them.

In the event that we translate this Legal Notice, our Privacy Policy, or any other rules of use, policies and procedures that may be published from time to time on the site, into other languages, the Spanish version of each of these documents is the that governs the use of the Services and in the event that there is a conflict between the Spanish version and a translated version, the Spanish version will prevail.


The owner of the content and elements that make up this website, as well as any other web pages, subdomains and subsections contained in said website, is Vincent Stoelzaed, consequently belonging to him the intellectual and industrial property of the same and in particular of all the source codes, texts, images, design, logos, computer programs, animations, databases, brands, trade name or distinctive sign, sounds and other graphic or sound elements of the website pages. This list does not constitute a closed list but rather an exemplary one and these elements are duly protected in accordance with Spanish and international regulations on Intellectual and Industrial Property.

The User undertakes to use the content diligently and correctly, in accordance with the law, morality and public order. VINCENT STOELZAED authorizes the User to view the information contained on this Website, as well as to make private reproductions (simple downloading and storage activity in their computer systems), as long as the elements are intended solely for personal use, as well as such as its use exclusively for journalistic purposes.

It is prohibited, outside of the purposes expressly established in the previous paragraph, the use of the content of the Website, and its distribution, modification, transfer to third parties, as well as the reproduction, transformation or public communication, by any means and technology, requiring This requires the prior and express consent of VINCENT STOELZAED, and any action contrary to this text constitutes a violation of the regulations on industrial and intellectual property rights.

However, the use ofWWW.MAKOTOINTEGRAL.COM As long as its integrity is respected and it is identified that the original source has been this website belonging to VINCENT STOELZAED, any type of biased use contrary to its nature is expressly prohibited. VINCENT STOELZAED reserves the right to take appropriate legal actions in defense of its rights.


VINCENT STOELZAED, one of its objectives is to protect your information on the Internet, just as all personal information that reaches the company is protected.

VINCENT STOELZAED wants the user of this website to have adequate information to decide expressly, precisely, unequivocally, freely and voluntarily if they wish to provide their data in the manner required. In this sense, the user is informed that all personal data that VINCENT STOELZAED collects through the website are used solely and exclusively for the purposes of:

·     Maintenance of contact and communication with the user,

·     conducting raffles and promotions among our partners and supporters,

·     as well as to send you information and commercial offers by e-mail or postal mail about VINCENT STOELZAED-MAKOTO INTEGRAL products and services. If you do not want us to send you the aforementioned information by email, you can send an email to this effect to:


In the event that the User provides personal data of third parties so that they become beneficiaries of the services, they declare that they have their prior and express consent to communicate them to us and are responsible for communicating to all of them the inclusion of the same in our files.

The user undertakes to enter exact, current and truthful data in a way that does not mislead the recipients of the information, as well as not to impersonate other Users using their registration data for the different services and/or contents of the Website. .

According to arts. 5.1 and 11 LOPD, we inform you that the data that you provide us may be communicated to third parties for the fulfillment of purposes directly related to the legitimate functions of assignor and assignee. Thus, they will be communicated to the company that is in charge at all times of managing the collection of the products purchased or their shipments and distribution; to entities or organizations to which the company has a legal obligation to make data communications.

VINCENT STOELZAED, MAKOTO INTEGRAL, has implemented the necessary technical and organizational measures that guarantee the security of personal data  and prevent its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed, whether they come from human action or the physical or natural environment.

You may exercise the rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition recognized by the LOPD by means of a written and signed request to VINCENT STOELZAED-MKOTO INTEGRAL, eliz kalea 8, first in Azpeitia, attaching in all cases a copy of your ID. In case of modification of your data, you must notify it at the same address, declining all responsibility for VINCENT STOELZAED, if you do not do so.



If the use of personal passwords is necessary to access some of the services provided through this website, it will be the USER's responsibility to diligently safeguard, use and preserve them, expressly prohibiting their transfer to third parties. , resulting in the responsibility of the USER and therefore attributable to him/her for any harmful consequences that may arise both for the owner of the website and for the rest of the USERS. In the event of theft or loss of the password, the USER must proceed to notify the company as soon as possible for the adoption of the appropriate measures, with the USER being responsible for any damages that may be caused to both VINCENT STOELZAED and other USERS, as a consequence of late communication.

VINCENT STOELZAED will not be responsible in any case for incidents that may arise regarding personal data when they arise from an attack or unauthorized access to the systems in such a way that it is impossible to detect due to the security measures implemented, either when it is due to a lack of diligence on the part of the registered client regarding the guarding and custody of their access codes or their own personal data.



We inform you that the VINCENT STOELZAED website, MAKOTOINTEGRAL.COM, uses cookies. A cookie is a small amount of information that is stored by a website on a user's computer. Cookies are used because web pages have no memory. A user who goes from one page to another on a web page is not recognized as the same user. Cookies allow the website to recognize the user's browser. Therefore, cookies are generally used to remember the options that the user has chosen (for example, remember the language they use) or to recognize users who frequent the website.

Cookies can be “session” or permanent. Session cookies allow the user to be identified during the live session, which means that the cookies are memorized and are only valid for the duration of an active session, that is, during your visit to the website. These cookies do not permanently record any information on your computer's hard drive and expire at the end of the session.

Our website uses two types of cookies:

·     Technical cookies: We use technical cookies to display our website, make it work correctly, create your user account, log in and manage your reservations. These technical cookies are necessary for our website to function correctly.

·     Functional cookies: We also use functional cookies to remember your preferences and to help you use our website efficiently and effectively, such as remembering your favorite language. These functional cookies are not necessary for the operation of our website, but they add functionality to improve the user experience.

In general, the cookies we use are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer and do not provide references that allow the user's name and surname to be deduced.

Browse without cookies

The user can always personalize the use of “cookies”, as well as prevent the collection of “cookies” by modifying the user's own browser options, among the most common:

·     Firefox: Options\Privacy\Tracking\tell websites that I do not want to be tracked.

·     Chrome: Chrome Menu\Settings\Show advanced options\Privacy\Content settings\Cookies\block cookies by default.

·     Safari: Preferences\Privacy\Block Cookies.

·     Explorer: Tools\Internet Options\Privacy\Settings\ Move the slider all the way up to block all cookies or all the way down to allow all cookies, and then click OK.

By completely blocking cookies, you can prevent certain sections of the website from being displayed correctly.

Cookies used

Specifically on our website we use the following types of cookies:

Permanent (Own)

Used in user registration, forms and language selection. The user registration expires when the user decides to unblock themselves. The language expires when the user decides to delete it from the browser.

Google Analytics (Third Party Cookie)

Analysis of user profiles, measurement of traffic data Google controls the expiration time of these cookies. They normally expire after two years.

Youtube (Third Party Cookie)

Viewing videos embedded on the VINCENT STOELZAED website, MAKOTOINTEGRAL.COM. Cookies are installed only when the user “plays” the video. Google controls the expiration time of these cookies. Some expire at the end of the session and others can last up to ten years.

To delete cookies from a website you must go to your browser settings and there you can search for those associated with the domain in question and proceed to delete them.



We have chosen providers that use the HTTPS (SSL) protocol to establish a secure communication channel between this website and the device you use (computer, mobile phone...) when you send your personal data, for example when purchasing a ticket or using our online store. -line. When you see the letters “https” and a padlock next to the URL in the address bar of your browser, it means that your data travels encrypted (the “s” means “secure”) between your device and our website, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the information. information that you send us and making it impossible for third parties to access said information sent.



1.  A) Generalities.

VINCENT STOELZAED's interest is that this website functions with maximum efficiency and fulfills the purpose for which it has been created, but is not responsible for any typographical, formal or numerical errors that the Website may contain, nor for the accuracy of the information contained therein, nor of possible dysfunctions or anomalies in its operation.

VINCENT STOELZAED does not guarantee that the website and the server are free of viruses and is not responsible for any damage caused by access to the website or by the inability to access it.

1.  B) Links and hyperlinks.

VINCENT STOELZAED, can facilitate access to other Web pages that we consider may be of interest to you. The objective of these links is solely to facilitate your search for resources that may interest you on the Internet. However, these pages do not belong to VINCENT STOELZAED, nor does it review their contents and, therefore, it cannot be held responsible for them, nor for the services that may appear on said sites, for the operation of the page. linked, the use and processing of data that they may carry out, the possible infractions that, if applicable, they may commit or the possible damages that may arise from the access or use of the same, the existence of the link does not imply any relationship between ; VINCENT STOELZAED, and the persons or entities that own such content or the sites where they are found.

By using this website, we consider that the user has read this document carefully and has understood and followed its advice. If the user does not agree with this data protection policy or with the advice given through it, please do not use our website.



In the event of a conflict or dispute regarding the interpretation of these conditions, as well as any point related to the services of this website, the applicable Jurisdiction and Regulations will be Spanish.





"This merchant undertakes not to allow any transaction that is illegal, or is considered by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank, which may or has the potential to damage their goodwill or negatively influence them The following activities are prohibited under the card brands programs: the sale or offer of a product or service that is not in full compliance with all laws applicable to the Buyer, Issuing Bank, Merchant, Cardholder, or cards. In addition, the following activities are also explicitly prohibited: "Sale of alcoholic beverages to minors under 18 years of age."

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